Making an Appointment for A Medical Procedure
According to the American Dental Association (ADA), there is a great gap in those who regularly visit a dentist and those who forego visiting a dentist for personal reasons within or outside of their control. In 2014 ADA reported that there were at least 52.3% of families that had visited their family dentist for regular checkups; however, that percentage was divided because only 15.4% of families divided their visit to only once a year, while another 11.0% chose to visit their dentist only once every 2-3 years. Again, there were 21.3% who reported they had not visited their dentist in the last few years. Reasons for this wide gap between regular and irregular visits to the dentist were not reported, but certain probable reasons could be conjectured to be a frequent change of place or not having a regular dental plan or doctor available to them.

Necessary Medical Needs
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