Medical Insurance Reform Will Address High Costs For Folks With Diabetes
The predominance of diabetes increased more than two times over 20 years from 1986 to 2006, making diabetes the 5th deadliest illness in the nation. And its prevalence is anticipated to grow in the approaching years, as risk indicators like body weight problems high cholesterol, and raised blood pressure continue to rise.
Families with an affiliate who has diabetes not only shoulder the emotional burden of caring for a sick loved one, but also the industrial burden of the growing cost for treatment. Diabetes cost the US more than $174 billion in 2007, an increase of $8 billion every year over the past five years. The final cost is a combo of $117 bill in direct costs of treatment and $57.3 billion in indirect costs of lost productivity.
Folks with diabetes, whether they are insured or not, they face major and often devastating obstacles to receiving reasonable treatment in our …
Medical Insurance Reform Will Address High Costs For Folks With Diabetes Read More