Couple Massage: Do’s and Don’ts
Getting an erotic massage in Montreal is great, but it’s not limited to just single individuals. Couples can enjoy the service as well. This kind of massage can add a touch of excitement to a relationship. You can ask the masseuse to discuss what to expect, and often she will be very friendly and forthcoming about the whole thing.
It’s a different story when it’s not an erotic massage. Often these are more regular massages during which a couple simply wants to relax together. What’s more relaxing than a massage? It’s better in many ways than going to bars or the movies.
But what should you do? What should you not do? Each establishment’s rules are different, but many rules are the same wherever you go. Here are some basic ways you can both enjoy your couple massage:
Pick the Right Type of Massage
If it’s the first time for …
Couple Massage: Do’s and Don’ts Read More