The Benefits of Whey Fasting
Are you looking for a whey (pardon the pun) to spike your body’s protein levels, drop a great deal of fat and water, and embark upon a sort of “cleansing phase”? If so, whey fasting might just be right for you! It involves the consumption of a great deal of water and whey, along with some fast burning carbohydrate sources like fruit and vegetables. Meat and starchy carbs are off the menu.
You’ll need to schedule this fasting for a time where you have a little bit of freedom. Your body might react in an odd way to the sudden influx of whey protein, and it might not be a positive thing until your digestive track adjusts to it. Fasting is a common practice in many cultures for religious purposes. It allows the person to remove toxins from the body, as well as clear the intestines of built up waste. …
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