According to the American Dental Association (ADA), there is a great gap in those who regularly visit a dentist and those who forego visiting a dentist for personal reasons within or outside of their control. In 2014 ADA reported that there were at least 52.3% of families that had visited their family dentist for regular checkups; however, that percentage was divided because only 15.4% of families divided their visit to only once a year, while another 11.0% chose to visit their dentist only once every 2-3 years. Again, there were 21.3% who reported they had not visited their dentist in the last few years. Reasons for this wide gap between regular and irregular visits to the dentist were not reported, but certain probable reasons could be conjectured to be a frequent change of place or not having a regular dental plan or doctor available to them.

Necessary Medical Needs
What happens when a medical need arises and a dentist needs to be consulted? For example, for special procedures that are needed which over the counter medication will not suffice like a dental implant a dentist needs to be contacted to perform the procedure. According to the Human Health Services HHS there are only three providers of emergency dental health care: Medicaid, Medicare, and CHIP. Oftentimes the person who is considering such a procedure will want to get professional recommendations for what they can expect before the procedure.
CHIP and Medicaid
According to Medicaid, there are two programs which seek to help both children and adults who have less than sufficient access to primary dental benefits. One programs, which is an extension of Medicaid, called CHIP, is a program to help children access program for ongoing dental health, while Medicaid is the main provider of dental programs for Adults. Outside of these two dental care providers, every state has its own emergency dental care intervention programs for children and adults.
Seeking Dental Services
If a person is seeking dental health services in their area they can either call their medical healthcare provider or locate one thru an internet search. For example, if someone was searching for a dental care provider whose specialty was implanted, something like dental implants Vestal NY would result in the best care providers in this general area with addresses and contact information. Internet searches return results in this order: first local geographical results, then results more distant from the local community in which the search was performed when WiFi location is possible.
Contacting Health Services
A person who is seeking help with a certain dental procedure will need to confer with the specific provider to speak to them about the kind of service they provide, the cost, and the availability of the caregiver who will be responsible for performing the medical procedure. The above search results will provide this information, which is available thru your local library, cell phone or home desktop computer with internet access. For the specific medical procedure, a medical examination may be necessary before any final decision can be made by the chosen healthcare provider.