A Guide to Eating Healthy in Restaurants

A Guide to Eating Healthy in Restaurants

When you are trying to lose weight by following a diet plan, dining out can be an extremely difficult task because whether it’s the menu, your friends, or your fellow diners, you’re surrounded by unhealthy foods. This can lead some to give in to cravings and order beer and hot wings instead of chicken salad.

You Can Still Dine Out Without Cheating On Your Diet

My first suggestion is to do your research before going to a restaurant. These days, most places have their menus listed on their website, so go online beforehand and look up the food choices that can fit into your daily diet. It is a lot easier to make a smart choice when you’re outside of the sights and smells of a restaurant, so try to do this as often as possible.

If you cannot look up the menu before going to the restaurant, it is still a good idea to talk to your waiter or even one of the chefs about healthier menu options. A really helpful trend that I’ve noticed in restaurants is that the menus have a special low-calorie section that has healthy and low-fat options. If you find yourself looking through a menu, search for this section first. Also, talk to your waiter about healthier food preparation methods such as using olive oil instead of fat and grease, margarine instead of butter, etc.

When ordering drinks, it is always better to ask for water, unsweetened tea or coffee, lemonade, or diet soda. …

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Taking Fish Oil Could Extend Your Life

Taking Fish Oil Could Extend Your Life

A lot of us are now taking fish oil, that other meals manufacturers have jumped on the superior well being news bandwagon and started to add it to such frequent food items like milk, bread, and eggs. Some are even suggesting that frequent consumption could prolong your life.

Here are several reasons why:

The wealth of research carried out over current years has lent weight towards the belief that fish oils are fantastic for the heart, brain, and bones. Moreover, there’s a protective impact on such circumstances as back discomfort, eye health, and even against some types of cancers, although this final point remains the most controversial.

A single overall health area that has been examined closer than other individuals is the fact that with the heart. Cardiologists in America believed their quite personal journal have advisable everybody takes omega-3, even people in regular overall health.

When they looked utilizing the prior twenty years of research their conclusion gave a thumbs up for fish oil lowering the threat of a heart attack for all those who exhibit the threat variables, or as a result of family history, and so prolonging the human lifespan. What also quite a few appear to neglect or overlook is the fact that this type of therapy is quite inexpensive and incredibly protected. A clinical study conducted in Italy amongst heart attack survivors gave them fish oil supplements daily. What a surprise when just after four months they said their risk of dying was reduced by …

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Which Protein Is Best For Weightlifters And Bodybuilders?

One of the most common questions from new and intermediate weightlifters and bodybuilders is about which protein is best for them to be using. And no wonder, given all the hype and noise from the supplement companies about their product being the only one that works – or at least that their protein works best.

So which protein IS best for weightlifters and bodybuilders? The question is more complicated than it appears on the surface and depends mostly on the time of day and your particular dietary regimen. For example, vegans will want to stay with soy protein – while it doesn’t have a great biological value (BV), it isn’t derived from animal sources. Vegetarians will be better using milk-based proteins and egg protein, but won’t want to include proteins from chicken, fish and beef.

The majority of weightlifters and bodybuilders are neither vegan nor vegetarian though, so for you the question of which protein is best depends entirely on timing. Getting your proteins from natural foods is preferable and can even be enough for some, but a whey protein supplement is a wise choice on the days you’re hitting the gym.

Whey protein is considered the gold standard for weightlifters and bodybuilders, and it is – but ONLY for your pre-workout and post-workout shakes. While whey is the fastest and most biologically available (highest BV) protein, it clears the bloodstream within 90 minutes or so and does cause a spike in blood sugars. Both of these traits …

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Slowing Down Aging: 5 Tips To Looking And Feeling Younger

Slowing Down Aging: 5 Tips To Looking And Feeling Younger

Everyone ages, but the rate at which we age is not fixed. A lot depends on the choices that we make throughout our lives. Of course, there’s no fountain of youth or magical pill to stop Father Time, but making some good choices can make you look and feel older or younger than we really are. If you want to look and feel younger than your peers, try these five simple tips.

Eat Sensibly and Feel Younger, It All Starts with a balanced diet

Well you have heard it a million times, “You are what you eat” and you have heard it for good reason, its true. A well balanced diet is crucial to a healthy body. If you want to look twice your age, try a diet of beer and potato chips. If you want like a model, get some spring water and vegetables. A poor diet accelerates the aging process and often results in age-inducing illnesses. If perpetual youth is your goal, eat green and red vegetables, fresh fruits, fish, garlic, ginger and plenty of berries. You’ll have more energy and you’ll look younger.

Drink Water–Hydrate with the natural stuff that your ancestors drank

Every single cell in our body requires water to function properly. Even mild dehydration produces stress on your body, affecting energy levels, cognitive skills, your muscles and skin. Want lots of wrinkles? Just avoid drinking water. Want good muscle tone and smooth sexy skin? A bottle of water is about as close as you’ll …

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What Are Healthy Teas?

What Are Healthy Teas?

The most commonly consumed fluid worldwide is water. But coming right after is tea. Teas are drank cold, warm, hot, modest, with elegance and with or without sugar. Despite the many types of tea available, there exist for any occasion or taste the right tea. What kind of tea do you like best – strong or weak, rather sweet or bitter, black, green, or fruits and berries tea, or perhaps even a Chinese tea?

Teas in general have a stimulating, soothing and calming effect on people. What effect is triggered depends on the type of tea used and the preparation of tea. If one for example green tea with hot water poured over it and let only short leaves, then the tea has a stimulating effect. If we let the tea steep for several minutes, it has a calming effect, but also becomes bitter more.

Green Tea

Green tea is from the genus Camellia and grows as a shrub (evergreen) and is also known as Camellia sinensis. The plant has beautiful white flowers with yellow stamens and green leaves. This tea is also used for medical purposes. From the leaves of the plant the green tea is made, the same plant as black tea, green tea is only produced different, more gentle, so that the valuable healthy and survive for healing ingredients are preserved. Green tea is one of the 10 best drinks for losing weight and promoting overall health.

Black Tea

Black tea (in China called also Red Tea), …

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