A shisha pen is a cigarette-shaped, small device which looks similar to an electronic water pipe which vaporises a flavored liquid. For people on the go, shisha pen is a perfect experience, no matter where you are. Since the e-shisha vaporises the liquid, it doesn’t comprise of tar, toxins or carbon monoxide which are produced when burning the tobacco in the shisha. Shisha pens provide you with a lovely experience without having to feel anxious about the health implications of nicotine addiction.
These aforementioned features of shisha pens made them one of the trendiest accessories that most people carry in their pockets. The portability, safety, array of flavors, the several options to pick from and also the health aspects have led to more and more people preferring shisha pens over tobacco smoking.
Top benefits of using shisha pens
#1: Vape sans toxins
Shisha pens usually generate a pure and clean vapor which doesn’t contain carbon-monoxide, tar or any other toxin. These are the most poisonous and harmful chemicals which are directly linked with all sorts of health issues like respiratory diseases and cancer. As tobacco cigarettes burn tobacco, they release several toxic by-products. On the contrary, as shisha pens don’t burn anything, they don’t lead to any injury to your health.
#2: No second-hand smoke
The vapour which is created by the e-hookah usually dissipates within few seconds. This clearly means that there is no risk of any kind of second-hand smoke which can harm others. Perhaps this is the reason behind shisha pens not being banned in public. Wherever tobacco is frowned upon, shisha pens are allowed.
#3: Vape without nicotine
Nicotine is the most addictive substance which is found in regular cigarettes and also in hookahs. While nicotine is not harmful by itself, it creates addiction which is the reason why people continue smoking cigarettes and hookahs, often one after another. However, the liquid inside an e-shisha contains no nicotine.
#4: No smell lingers after vaping
Due to the fact that the vapour released by shisha pens don’t contain tar or any other bad flavors, the smell doesn’t linger in a way that is similar to tobacco cigarettes. This clearly means that the furniture, clothes, hair and personal possessions don’t get stained and won’t contain the smell of smoke. This is a smell which most find undesirable and this can also impact the way in which others interact with smokers. Shisha pens only contain glycerine, glycol, flavouring and they work by vaporization as against combustion. Using a shisha pen is much safer than smoking hookahs or cigarettes. There are evidences which prove that shisha pens can help you experience less coughing, enhance breathing process and improve levels of fitness.