Healthy Weight Loss For Moms – More Reasons To Eat Broccoli

I do not like broccoli, I have never liked broccoli and I do not believe that I ever will actually like broccoli. That does not stop me eating it; first my mother and now my wife have made sure that broccoli is included in my diet, at least occasionally. I have now learned some facts to back up why moms through the ages have insisted on our ‘eating up the greens’, especially broccoli.
I understand that there are many reasons why we should eat broccoli, along with other ‘cruciferous’ vegetables such as cabbage, kale, cauliflower and brussel sprouts. Their part in healthy balanced weight loss diets has been accepted for many years. I have now found a very scientifically convincing argument, to persuade me to make the effort and eat more of some of these foods.
It would appear that among the many undesirable substances which are present …
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