Two Lesser Known Facts About MRI Scans

Looking for info on why MRI scans are so important? Want to know how claustrophobic people handle an MRI scan? The diagnostic versatility of the MRI is widely underappreciated. Not only that, but the various types of scan aren’t well known either. The open MRI, for example, has opened up testing to multiple demographics.

Two Lesser Known Facts About MRI Scans

1. They don’t always involve stuffing you in a tube

You no longer necessarily have to live your claustrophobic nightmare when you need an MRI scan. Instead of the traditional tube scanner, you can get what is called an open MRI scan. If you’re the type of person or the parent of a child who cannot handle tight spaces without panicking or squirming, you can get an MRI without needing some sort of sedation. This opens up even the possibility of having an MRI for people who are too large to fit in the standard …

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