How Does Cannabrichomene Oil Treat Skin Conditions And Prevent Cancer?
Some synthetic cannabinoids such as dronabinol and nabilone are available by prescription in several states where medical marijuana is legal. These drugs contain higher doses of THC and have been shown to cause adverse effects, including acute psychosis with high dosages, among other problems with long-term use. CBC oil has been attributed to treating skin conditions and prevention of cancer.
Below is the role of cannabichromene oil in treating skin conditions and preventing cancer:
Possesses Anti Acne Properties
Cannabichromene (CBC) oil has been shown to treat acne. CBC Oil is thought to possess analgesic and antimicrobial properties that may help relieve various skin conditions such as dermatitis. Some research suggests that CBC oil has anti-acne properties that could potentially be helpful for those who suffer from acne vulgaris and other types of acne, including cystic acne.
Has Anti Inflammatory and Pain-Relieving Properties
CBC oil is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found …
How Does Cannabrichomene Oil Treat Skin Conditions And Prevent Cancer? Read More